Career and Graduate School Planning

For more information, contact the Center for Career & Vocation at (334) 833-4562 or

Online Resources for Career and Graduate School Placement Information

  • CareerOneStop is a U.S. 美国劳工部赞助的网站,为学生提供职业资源和劳动力信息,以促进在全球经济中的人才发展.
  • O-Net OnLine 一个关于特定职业更多信息的优秀在线资源吗, such as the job outlook for the profession, the average pay one can expect, and search listings for selected areas.
  •领先的研究生院信息在线资源,拥有58个以上,000 programs listed, 这个网站包含一个独特的和全面的十大菠菜靠谱老平台分类的课程和细分的地理. 用户只需选择他们想要的课程,就可以获得有关相关研究生课程的全面信息.
  • Graduate Guide:按专业和州搜索研究生院、法学院、博士和MBA项目. Sections cover admission tests, financial aid, and more.
  • National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
  • Peterson’s: Innovative, 基于网络的产品和在线实践测试为消费者提供了他们对自己的教育或职业做出明智决定所需的深度和广度的信息. Their financial aid database of nearly $5 billion worth of scholarships, grants, 和奖品可以在网上完全搜索到,也可以在印刷指南中找到. Peterson 's还提供论文编辑和指导的在线服务,以及rsamsumen写作.
  • Princeton Review普林斯顿评论为你寻找研究生院提供了研究工具和建议.
  • Test Prep Review:为研究生院的各种考试提供免费的在线练习测试.
  • U.S. News and World Report最佳研究生院指数可以让你在正确的轨道上开始选择适合你的个性化工具的研究生课程, including searches and comparisons, as well as school directory pages and feature articles. Go to the Education tab.

Personality Testing

Want to know a little more about yourself?  Visit the Holland Code testing site and take the personality assessment test. 把你的结果带到CCV,和导演雪莉·利·莱西见面, 谁能解释你的分数,并让你了解适合你个性的工作类型

Graduate School Placement Tests

大多数研究生和专业学校要求你完成入学或能力测试,并提交你的分数作为申请过程的一部分. 以下网站将帮助您注册和准备考试:

  • American Medical College Application Service AMCAS
  • Graduate Management Admission Test GMAT
  • Graduate Record Examinations GRE
  • Law School Admission Test LSAT
  • Medical College Admission Test MCAT


An internship is a work experience, usually semester-long or summer-long, 在一个你想进一步探索的领域或者你想获得经验的领域. 实习可以是全职或兼职,有薪或无薪,有学分或无学分. 这些细节和期望取决于你、你的雇主和CCV.

十大菠菜靠谱平台实习计划将现实世界的工作经验和学习融入到学生的大学学术经历中,以帮助学生找到他或她的个人使命. The program includes internships in nearly every career field, including the Hawks on the Hill internship program, which specifically addresses public service.  实习是学生、雇主和十大菠菜靠谱平台之间的一种合作关系. Each partner has a responsibility to be honest and ethical. Each student represents not only him- or herself, but also his/her academic department and the College. Conduct and performance should be of the highest standards.

The Benefits of Interning

  • Career-related work experience
  • Exposure to professional work environments
  • 将所学知识和个人技能应用于“现实世界”
  • Networking
  • Resume builder

Internship experience makes you more mature, more professionally polished, and teaches you things beyond what you can learn in the classroom. You’ll appreciate your education more as a result, and you’re likely to perform better academically after having worked. 在大学期间寻找经验可以帮助你学习基本的求职技巧,这样你就可以在毕业时为找工作做更好的准备.

要找到一份实习工作,请与CCV、你的学术部门和其他在线资源合作. CCV将帮助你找到合适的职位,引导你的职业方向.


面试过程是获得研究生或专业学校或就业机会的一个极其重要的部分. 典型的面试从你被介绍给招聘人员的那一刻就开始了. This can be an awkward time if you are not prepared. Stop by the CCV for a practice interview or for interviewing tips. Remember, the résumé gets the interview, but the interview gets the job or graduate school slot—or not!


Resumes are, in many cases, 你给潜在雇主留下的第一印象——良好的第一印象至关重要. Although we offer resume-writing workshops, 我们更愿意与每个学生单独合作,以发展他或她的简历.  Bring with you to your appointment:

  • 列出你的工作和学习经历(有薪和无薪工作), volunteer work, leadership roles) with dates and job titles
  • 列出你曾参与的扶轮社及组织,以及你在这些组织中的领导角色
  • A list of any special skills you have developed through work, volunteer experiences, leadership, or coursework (languages you speak/know; technical skills; ability to conduct an experiment, etc.)
  • 你想要找的工作类型和你想要从事的行业

The Path to Graduation

Freshman Year

  • Get involved in at least two extracurricular activities.
  • Maintain a good grade point average.
  • Begin a new resume.

Sophomore Year

  • Get involved in more extracurricular activities, with leadership roles.
  • Complete an externship.

Junior Year

  • Complete an internship.
  • Continue involvement and leadership positions.

Senior Year

  • Schedule your senior meeting with your CCV director.
  • Complete an internship.
  • Finalize your college resume.
  • Apply for jobs and/or graduate school.

Make an appointment today and let’s get started!

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